Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Christmas Trail

Tonight we went to see "The Christmas Trail"....It is hard to explain exactly what it is....but it was AMAZING!! In a is a series of small theatre performances, christmas decorations, lights, and music that make this tiny little village come to life for Christmas. Every year we have considered going to see this village's special presentation, but have never made the trip. FINALLY we decided we MUST go see it... and it was definately something special. Since it is SUCH a big effort on the part of all the actors it only runs for 2 weeks..with opening only Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Tonight was the 2nd night that it was open and it was definately magnificant. The kids had a great time, but it WAS cold (just at freezing point.), they were all troopers and had a blast. Here are are few photos of the village...

This was the real nativity theatre performance. They had REAL animals walking around...sheep, donkey, etc. It was really realistic!

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Fray---BIG NEWS!!!

This is BIG TIME!! ABC has picked up The Fray's new song "You Found Me" for the trailer to the show "Lost"! The trailer premiered last night! I couldn't wait to watch it this a.m. It gave me chills to watch.....SO cool! I'm really happy for them as I think "Lost" will do for "You Found Me" what "Grey's Anatomy" did for "How to Save a Life"...They didn't write this song for the show---they wrote it several years earlier and it just worked out perfectly! I just know their new album is going to be amazing! It is due for release in February. So anyway, I'm SO proud of you Mike! GREAT JOB....AGAIN!!!!! XO

See the trailer to the video and list to the song HERE...Or go to ENJOY!!!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Krista's Regional Competition!


Look at this girl!! Can you imagine doing this? I sure can't! Well I have exciting news that Krista had her Regional Competition on Sunday and qualified to move on to the Zone competition in December!!! She was 7th out of 18 girls!! And OLDER girls who are clearly superior in ability. One year of training at this age makes such a huge difference. I was SOOO pleased with Krista's performances. She had 2 different routines to perform and she only made one visible mistake (to me at least!) in the two. She did her hoop routine of course, but this time added a freestyle routine also. She LOVES freestyle and she looked radiant doing it! I could not have expected a better performance from Krista...that is why I am so proud of her. She stood out there on the carpet and worked her heart out--competing in a league far from her own! It was clear she wouldn't place in this compeition, but I was REALLY hoping she would be in the top half of the group..and above all that she would advance . The next competition will be on December 13th and 14th in a town about 1.5 hours from here. Grandma will be here then too so Krista will FINALLY be able to show Grandma what this is all about!!!


The winning girls' routines were absolutely INCREDIBLE. The first 4 places go to girls training at the Gymnastics "Pole" school in our city, while places 5 and 6 were to "Pole" girls in Pfstatt (about 1.5 hours away). The Zone competition is going to be an even more challenging with additional girls from other regions. If she qualifies in that competiton she will be going to the Federal National competition in January!


Way to go little Krissie! Here are a few more spectacular photos..taken by the professional photographers on the mat. I'm SO proud of you Krista!!!



Monday, November 10, 2008

Pregnancy Portraits


I'll be posting a series of portraits on my pregnancy blog. Stay tuned :)