Monday, July 30, 2007

Our Great Summer Vacation

USA Summer 2007
We're here--- safe and sound in the good 'ol USA....and having a BLAST! So far we've had only a handful of "dull" days since we've arrived and I've had barely a free moment to blog. We are packing in a lot of visits and fun events so the kids are just in HEAVEN! Krista has already said she doesn't want to go back to France in 2 weeks and neither do I for that matter!

The kids have been really enjoying my Mom's pool and Krista has learned a lot in a few short weeks. She does a mean backstroke now and Erik is enjoying jumping in the water over and over again (with no fear). A BIG highlight for Krista was her trip to the American Girl store in Chicago with Grandma. They had a WONDERFUL day together, enjoying the theatre, shopping and a delicious brunch with Krista's doll. This photo is of Krista on the "cover" of the American Girl Magazine (**available for a small fee of course!!!)
Grandma, Grandpa and Jan have REALLY showered them with gifts and fun-filled days. Shopping, cinema, theatre performances, picnics, park excursions, sleep-over's and visits with old friends. Not to mention the NUMEROUS lunches and dinners out on the town...and the list goes on! I guess that is what a great vacation is all about!
Next week we have a WHOLE week booked at my Dad's cottage on Lake Michigan. The kids are really excited for the beach and water. All in all we'll be ELEVEN at the beach house (I think it can sleep 15 so we're fine). Mike and Lia will be arriving from CA so we can't wait for that!!

Let the good times roll!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Our Champion!

Rhythmic Gymnastics

I'm so proud of Krista. She was the Regional Champion this year in rhythmic gymnastics. There were nearly 100 little girls involved in this competition and Krista received the most points. It was her first season in rhythmic gymnastics and it couldn't have gone better. It really is her sport. It is such a nice combination of ballet, modern dance and gymnastics all wrapped into one--how could she not love it?!

For an end-of-the-year event a few weeks ago, they had some of the older girls give a sampling of the sport at their various levels followed by snacks and drinks (AND a surprise award dedication to Krista!). Krista loves watching the older girls perform so she REALLY enjoyed this evening. During the event, her trainer surprised her with an award presentation (a medal and a trophy)! Krista was completely taken off guard, but loved every moment of the glory....AND she is so happy with her FIRST big trophy!

Hopefully next season will go equally as well. She just LOVED her trainer this season, so we are sad to say goodbye. Her coach was so dedicated, supportive and encouraging towards all the girls--a really wonderful lady. Here's a photo of Krista with her coach on the award night.

I also put together a video of highlights from the season.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Moonika and Vincent's Wedding 7/7/7

A Day To Remember...

Yesterday was a very special day for our two friends Vincent and Moonika!! Wedding bells were in the air, and our little Krista had the honor of being included in this special occasion, as one of several beautiful little flower girls.
It was a fantastic day for a marriage, not only was it 7/7/07, which signifies good luck (7 days in a week, 7 notes in a musical scale, 7 wonders of the world....), but it was a gorgeous summer day for this special event! Everything was just perfect... Moonika made sure of it. The girls dresses were just adorable--buttons, bows and frills, and all of the wedding decorations just right.
We celebrated with them during both the civil service and also the chuch ceremony. Afterwards the reception was held in a very classy park restaurant, with views to die for! Kaitlyn was an angel (for the most part) and managed to stay until 2 a.m. at the reception (sleeping in her stroller of course). I'll post more photos of us at the wedding, but these were a few of my artistic favorites ;)
Very best wishes to Vincent and Moonika on their wedding day and their life together!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Our Children's Church Group

A few years ago a German family and myself had the idea of establishing a children's church group in our village. The group is called "Eveil a la foi" or "Awakening to our Faith," and is designed for children from 2-7 years old, before they begin their religious preparation for Communion. The idea was to have a mini-mass for the children in the pastoral rectory during the first half of the church ceremony. In order to prepare for the children's group, we meet with the pastor to get ideas for the specific theme of the mass, and how to relate the particular Sunday message back to the children. Our group's age is quite diverse and it is often hard to relate the ideas of the sermon to small children. Our pastor, Jean Pierre, is really fantastic and always has such wonderful ideas on how to help them understand and interpret the message of the day. He is truly a master at translating the message of Christ to ALL! Unfortunately last year, the German family who helped establish this group, moved back to Germany... Thankfully Michele and Christine decided that despite our busy schedules, we should find a way to continue this very special group.

This is a clip of us at the Fete de Dieu in early June.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Pre-School Open House

My big guy, Erik Andres

Erik had his pre-school open house a few weekends back. It was a great time for him. They had little game cards that were distributed at the door and then the children had to complete the card by playing all 10 of the games that were set up around the playground and inside the school. There was also an open classroom where lots of their projects and artwork was set out. Finally there was a reception room where there were cakes, cookies and drinks.

Erik had a great school year. This year was his second of three years at the pre-school. He really improved dramatically this year in his language skills. The teachers say he speaks like a native now, with no accenht what-so-ever. He also became a real social guy this year...making lots of good friends. On his report-card he received marks in the highest category in almost all instances (I think there were 3 areas where he only received the medium mark). Overall, he really matured so much.. and in so many ways this year. I'm very proud of him!!

So here he is on his open house day:

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Well our busy "celebreation time" has come and gone. Yesterday was my birthday--woo hoo--- which marked our 4th celebration in the last 3 weeks. In our family we have a 22 day window where we celebrate: Toomas's birthday, Krista's birthday, our wedding anniversary and my birthday! Always a busy but fun time. Here are some photos from my celebration yesterday. As usual, I was spoiled rotten by the fam.

End-of-the-School-Year Chaos

Well things have been BUSY, BUSY, BUSY around here lately. The end of the school year is always such a hectic time with all of the kids performances, ceremonies and parties. It is hard to believe it, but TODAY is the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL for the 2006-2007 school year! Krista finished up the 2nd grade with 40 A's and 6 B's; and Erik received check-marks in the highest column in all but 2 categories. I"m really happy with both of them for their hard work this year.

The next few days-worth of blogs I will dedicate to the shows, award ceremonies, parties and activities that have been filling our days and weekends these past few weeks.

Today I will post a little clip from the "open door" show that Krista had in her tap class last week. This year was only an "open-door" show for the parents rather than a full-blown "spectacle" as they call it in France. The "Grand Spectacle" is only every 2 next year will be the big show. This was just an open-class for the parents to see the progress of the year. It was still fun! :) They all really improved this year!

Tomorrow I will cover Erik's Baby gym class and the party at his pre-school.

So, here is an excerpt from Krista's tap dance class. She is wearing green with black shorts (on the end closest to us). Enjoy!