Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Pre-School Open House

My big guy, Erik Andres

Erik had his pre-school open house a few weekends back. It was a great time for him. They had little game cards that were distributed at the door and then the children had to complete the card by playing all 10 of the games that were set up around the playground and inside the school. There was also an open classroom where lots of their projects and artwork was set out. Finally there was a reception room where there were cakes, cookies and drinks.

Erik had a great school year. This year was his second of three years at the pre-school. He really improved dramatically this year in his language skills. The teachers say he speaks like a native now, with no accenht what-so-ever. He also became a real social guy this year...making lots of good friends. On his report-card he received marks in the highest category in almost all instances (I think there were 3 areas where he only received the medium mark). Overall, he really matured so much.. and in so many ways this year. I'm very proud of him!!

So here he is on his open house day:

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