At 16 months (and 17 months in 8 short days) she has received her full share of breast-milk and all of its wonderful nutrients! It has offered us a bond that no bottle could ever give. It has been a wonderful year and a half, but the time has now come. It is always sad weaning a child. It is something that you have done EVERY day since they day they were born. It is the FIRST gesture of love and nurture that you offered that tiny, new little being. It IS what has made them what they are. It IS what has sustained and "grown" them to this point!!! So, it is with a tear in my eye that I wean Kaitlyn. Her baby days are drawing to a close...but of course (as I say to all my kids), she will ALWAYS be my little baby! AND I am so proud to see her grow up and develop into an individual.
A few more photos from last weekend:
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