Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Tooth Fairy Visits

Erik Lost A Tooth!

The tooth fairy paid us a visit this week! I noticed that Erik's two bottom teeth have been very loose for some time now. He really didn't seem to notice, but when I told him he said "OH YEA!!" and then started wiggling them often. Finally this week right before bed he was eating a plum and it was just hanging by a thread afterwards. He went to bed with it in this VERY loose condition and in the morning he managed to eat his bowl of cereal without losing it. When I picked him up from school for lunchtime, I asked if it was still in. I had even put a ziplock bag and a few papertowels in his snack bag just in case he were to lose it at school. He put his fingers in his mouth to wiggle it and out it came! Right there in the school corridor! He was so proud!!! He looks so cute with the two missing teeth lining up now. He tells everyone he is a cowboy and the bullet when RIGHT at those two teeth and knocked them out!!!

This is a video of him before bed...we wrote a letter to the toothfairy asking permission to keep the tooth...He is acting a quite "babyish" in the video. Right after he lost the tooth I was making a big deal out of him being SUCH a big boy now and growing up so fast! He is only 5 and lost his first tooth already (other than the one that he knocked out). Krista only lost her first tooth when she was 6 years and 5 months old! It its amazing because he started getting his 6 year molars at his 5 year birthday. He has 3 of his molars fully in, and the last one is poking its way through. He is really "teething" now too because he is chewing on his blankets and stuffed animals to get that last one through. So cute!!! Notice how he says: "The tooth fairy is going to pass tonight"... That is so FRENCH! Passer is the verb in French. In French one would say "va passer ce soir". Both the kids often use a French verb in the English form!

1 comment:

Erin Crispin said...

How neat! But I am sure it is sad to see your little boy getting so big!