We're back from the Wedding--our trip to Nashville and Chicago is complete and was SO much fun. Mike and Lia had the most beautiful wedding of the century! It was SUCH a touching ceremony. I don't think there was a dry eye in the house (seriously!). My Uncle Bill (a Deacon in the Catholic Church) celebrated the event and made it SO very touching and emotional for everyone. It was such a unique and personal service. The vows were an amazing exchange of love and commitment, and the sermon so moving and powerful. It felt so REAL...it was a marriage at a personal level--Mike and Lia were getting married...they weren't just the "bride" or the "groom". It truly was a moving event. Of course the reception was a blast, as everyone knows how Mike and Lia know how to have FUN! What a party it was! The wedding and reception were held on an old Plantation, called
The Belle Meade, dating back to the 1800's. The feel of the was of simplistic and natural elegance....of pure and unrefined beauty. Lia was the most beautiful bride. Her dress was smashingly gorgeous... Krista and Mia were the perfect little Flower Girls; and Erik, Jacob and Luke were the 3 cutest ring bearers on the planet! This wedding was "
simplistically stunning"! There was a Bluegrass ensemble playing for the ceremony...adding such a perfect touch. Mike and Lia designed this wedding around WHO they are. It was a beautiful celebration of Mike and Lia ---their unique personalities uniting on that special day.