Thursday, December 31, 2009

The New Year's & Christmas Video

Here's our annual virtual Christmas/New Year's Card...just for those of you who couldn't open the link I sent out. ALSO, it was supposed to have audio (music) and I've been told by a few that the music didn't work?! That is too bad. Anyway here is the link to watch.

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and best wishes for a WONDERFUL 2010!


Originally uploaded by kidzmom2009
Happy New Year!! Wishing everyone health, happiness and all good thing for the year ahead!!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Those lips, those lashes, that hat..

Does anyone know how much I love this shot?! It is my treasure. My photos are my treasures...and this one is one of my all time favorites :)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

First Snow with a tear

First Snow with a tear
Originally uploaded by kidzmom2009
She was just SOOOO cold! Everybody wanted to go out to play after the first snow but it was just FREEZING outside. Poor Kaitlyn lasted only about 5 minutes and was just FROZEN. It was -15 C of our coldest days ever! I snapped this when she cracked a tiny smile---at my mention of HOT CHOCOLATE!

Friday, December 18, 2009


Originally uploaded by kidzmom2009
Gosh I just can't resist taking pictures of this little guy!!!! It seriously makes my day (and takes up a good bit of time from it too,lol). I'm just capturing every tiny detail before he goes and grows up on me!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Fuzzy and warm

Fuzzy and warm
Originally uploaded by kidzmom2009
He loved this soft fuzzy rug! I can't believe he turned 11 months old 2 days ago. I have to write his 10 month recap report (and get up the photos from the Cousin's visit). Things are crazy here now with the end of the year chaos....but we are all well and looking forward to a fun Christmas together! Krista has a gym show and Christmas party tonight...Should be fun!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Basket of Christmas Joy

Basket of Christmas Joy
Originally uploaded by kidzmom2009
Isn't this the sweetest?!?!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sleeping like a baby!

Sleeping like a baby!
Originally uploaded by kidzmom2009
Loved it this morning!! I got a ton of Evan asleep. More to come!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Love those thighs!

Love those thighs!
Originally uploaded by kidzmom2009
Look at this guy! He's not starving :) Still a breastmilk baby too!!!!


Originally uploaded by kidzmom2009
This will be a quick way for me to update with photos onto my blog! Hooray for convenience! I've recently joined flickr to help me progress with my photography...It is a wonderful place to share ideas and technique as well as receive commentary on photos. On my first day I had one photo placed by a group moderator into a gallery for "World"s Best Photos"... Lovin' that! I'll post that photo soon too. It was a keeper! A short session with Evan napping like a newborn. So now I have found an easy way to update the pics for blogger. I've been bad about blogging, but very very very good about taking lots of pictures (just not posting them I will :)