Friday, December 11, 2009

Love those thighs!

Love those thighs!
Originally uploaded by kidzmom2009
Look at this guy! He's not starving :) Still a breastmilk baby too!!!!


4 in 4 said...

Wow, so cute! Adorable, Kelly. How much does he weigh now? I can't believe he will be in a month!

Francemama said...

I think he is close to 24 pounds now. I will weigh him soon. He was 23 a month ago. He's a sturdy fellow that's for sure--off the charts so we both have extremes on our hands. Once he starts walking though I imagine it will melt away. Erik was exactly the same. I can't belive 1 is around the corner either...and you have your birthday season coming up also. HOW EXCITING.. Can't believe J will be 2. I was sorry to hear he had those nodes swell up. Hope he doesn't have mono..or anything of the like-- and that it will disappear as quickly as it came!!