Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Erik's Field Day

Preschool Sports Day 2006

I wanted to post a little bit about what we've been up to these last few weeks....One very fun and exciting day was Erik's first field day at school. He had a BLAST and ended up coming home with a gold medal (as did all the pre-schoolers!). Here are a few photos from the big day. Oh and tomorrow I hope to update on Krista's 7th Birthday party at the indoor rock climbing club.
Attention--The 'Tour de France' is about to begin!!! Go Erik!

Erik about to hurdle new heights!

Erik taking after Daddy with the hoops!

Erik and Antoine with their well deserved Gold Medals.

What a fun day!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Is Kaitlyn really a doll?

Today Kaitlyn is offically 10 weeks old. She has really grown and changed a lot in this time! For fun I took a few pictures of her at 2 weeks old with one of Krista's dolls (who was bigger than her) and a few days ago I took some pics again with the same doll. I think she is STILL is looking a lot like her dolly friend, but she has gained about 4 inches on her now. You make the call....Is Kaitlyn really a doll or a baby? This is her with her dolly friend at 2 weeks and then again 2 months later. I think she STILL looks like "the doll".

And finally one last shot to make my point...
IS our little Kaitlyn Brielle a little porcelain china doll...or a real baby??

Saturday, July 08, 2006

10 Weeks Tomorrow

Where should I start? Kaitlyn is growing so quickly.. she will be 10 weeks old tomorrow. DOUBLE DIGITS! She is certainly our little sweetheart--the whole family is just head over heels about this little babe...she has been filling this home with smiles and happiness since the day she was born. Right now she basically just sleeps, then eats, then a few smiles and coos and then back to sleep again-what a life! I'm hoping that this sleeping through the night lasts too. I'm feeling so rested and energized these days and it is all thanks to our sweet, good natured little girl. Here is a picture of her sitting on the couch this afternoon.

My Blog Begins

Okay I'm going to TRY to make this happen. I've been thinking about posting a blog for some time, and I guess now is as good a time as any to get going! We certainly have a lot going on here at our end and this will be the perfect way to share it with all of you.

A lot has been going on here for us in France! On April 30th we were blessed with our third miracle---Kaitlyn Brielle. She is a pure joy! And as if life wasn't complicated enough with a newborn...we are in the process of finishing up the construction on our first home! It is a very exciting and busy time for us here. We are enjoying every minute of it though.

I am going to try to post a bit on what has been going on these past few weeks. We've had Krista's 7th birthday, Erik's field day at school, the house construction and Kaitlyn's birth and development. It has been busy but wonderful...and fortunately Kaitlyn has been a very cooperative and easygoing baby. She is a wonderful sleeper and has blessed me with many a full night's rest. She naps nearly all the time and is always up for an outing! So..off I go...