Sunday, July 09, 2006

Is Kaitlyn really a doll?

Today Kaitlyn is offically 10 weeks old. She has really grown and changed a lot in this time! For fun I took a few pictures of her at 2 weeks old with one of Krista's dolls (who was bigger than her) and a few days ago I took some pics again with the same doll. I think she is STILL is looking a lot like her dolly friend, but she has gained about 4 inches on her now. You make the call....Is Kaitlyn really a doll or a baby? This is her with her dolly friend at 2 weeks and then again 2 months later. I think she STILL looks like "the doll".

And finally one last shot to make my point...
IS our little Kaitlyn Brielle a little porcelain china doll...or a real baby??

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