Monday, January 21, 2008

Winter Fun and Well Child Visits

Here is my Siberian Husky winter baby out on the swing. She points and sreams to go outside YEAR ROUND no matter the temp! She LOVES her swing and luckily it hasn't been too cold lately.

Kaitlyn and Erik both had their "well child" visits last week with our pediatrician. We haven't seen him in awhile because lately if the kids are just mildly sick and need to see a doctor, we just see our local village doctor (generalist). It was nice to touch base with the Pediatrician though. Both kids were scheduled for shots this time. Erik got his MMR booster and did GREAT. I did not tell him he was getting a shot prior to going. I wanted the Dr. to handle the explaination. He did great and talked to Erik about the children all over the world who don't have the money to get this shot and how helpful it is!! Erik was really convinced and gladly took the jab. Luckily NO reactions post shot either.

Erik weighed in at 21 kg even (46 lbs) and 117 cm tall (46 ins). The doctor commented on how 117 cm is the average age for a SEVEN year old and Erik is only FIVE! Erik was feeling pretty proud (and tall) after that :) Those stats put him with a BMI of 15.3--so he's looking good!

Kaitlyn got her 2 vaccines (DTP, polio and HiB combo, plus Priorix) and did wonderfully! She didn't fuss or cry at all during the physical exam. I thought for sure she would protest getting her ears examined, but not a peep. She willingly turned her head when asked, and acted like such a big girl. She was weighed and measured. She was 10.9 kg (23 3/4 pounds) and was 82 cm tall (32.5 inches). This gives her a BMI of 16.1 and the doc said she looks PERFECT and has steadily gained and remained constant on the growth chart.

Poor Kaitlyn does have some swelling at the site of each injection. She seems to get these allergic reactions with each shot. Hopefully it will soon fade because it does seem to bother her.

So that is the report on our 2 smallest memebers of the family!

1 comment:

4 in 4 said...

Oh, Kelly, she is just too precious in those pictures! Can I reserve her for Gabriel's future wife?