Monday, August 25, 2008

Erik lost his 4th tooth!

Erik right before he lost his 2nd top tooth. It was just hanging there by a thread.

Busy wiggling his tooth... COME OUT!!!

IT'S OUT!! Notice Krista inspecting it! :)

AWWWWWW he looks SO cute with BOTH of his top teeth missing, doesn't he?! I just LOVE that gap-toothed look that a 6 year old has! :)

So that is our big news...Erik lost his 4th tooth last night after having a loose top tooth for a few weeks now. On Saturday he bit into a pear and it really loosened it up. He wiggled and wiggled it all day Saturday and by Sunday afternoon it was READY to come out! The tooth fairy came and brought him a few little wooden games and 4 euros! He was thrilled.

Now he can start first grade next week with a gap-toothed smile! I love it!!!!!!

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