Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Estonia Trip 2008

We are now back and settled after our trip to Estonia. We had a really nice 2 week holiday in Toomas' homeland. The kids SO enjoyed their time at their Grandparent's summer cottage where they were free to run around, eat berries, catch worms, snails, frogs and generally enjoy the Estonian nature. We had some fun outings during our time there...a visit to a nearby castle (Sangaste Loss), a Latvian lake, Tartu (the University town about 1.5 hours away) and a nature trip to Pokumaa where a famous Estonian author has a museum and nature reserve. The kids enjoy really enjoyed seeing their Granparents again and practicing their Estonian language skills. We also had a visit from Onu Jaan (Toomas uncle) which was a great surprise! Overall the trip was a success. It was a long journey though..about 14 hours door to door so it was pretty hard while being pregnant...but we all had fun so it was worth it! We flew from France to Amsterdam..then Amsterdam to Riga, Latvia. From Riga we travelled to Estonia by either bus or train. On the way there we went from Riga by train and when returning from Estonia we travelled by bus from Estonia to Riga. I have LOADS of fun photos to share. I'll share a bit here and there...a few each day! Enjoy the beautiful nature and sights!

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