Okay...so before we hit the New Year, I'll round out my blog with the promised photos of Christmas Day. We sure had a ball and it was so much fun seeing the kids go crazy with excitement. This is the first Christmas where Kaitlyn understood what was happening. She had SO much fun and it was neat to see her as "one of the big kids". In some ways I can't believe she will no longer be the "baby" of the family...but when I see her so grown up I know she will do great as a big sister. As for favorite gifts this year... Mine was a card I received from Toomas and the handcrafted gifts from the kids. Krista's favorite gift was the Wii and the Disney edition of Monopoly, for Erik it was his prized "Torterra Ex" Pokemon card and albums, Kaitlyn's was her Princess Pop-Up Castle and Toomas' was his new snazzy GPS. I took a ZILLION photos (as always) but never know which ones to put up on the blog. I remember really resisting the
digital era of photography, but I know that I have many many more moments captured now that we are digital. Looking back (although just one week ago) it warms my heart to see the joy in these photos.

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