Sunday, August 23, 2009

Pictures from the flight..

Here are a few shots of the kids on our outbound leg. I love going over Greenland when it is clear! SO gorgeous! I got a nice shot of the wing/engine too. The kids sat together and did wonderfully for the 8+hours. Krista/Erik played on thier DSs, Kaitlyn with her DVD player. Evan slept for a good portion in the bassinet (with another 6 month old baby right beside). Evan nursed a lot during the flight so it was relatively painless for us...It is just so darn long! On the way over we went Strasbourg-Amsterdam and then Amsterdam-Chicago. Coming back we went through Paris. I love KLM...definately my carrier of choice. Air France isn't bad, but the wait in Paris for 4 hours b4 the Strasbourg flight is long. They renovated the Paris airport recently so it is really equipt with computers and electric pods all over for recharging devices....a very comfy (YET LARGE) airport. Glad to be home...more trip pics to come.


4 in 4 said...

Welcome home! Glad you all had a great trip. Looking forward to seeing more pictures!

Sharon said...

I love connecting in AMS but is there still only one flight a day?? I'd hate to get stuck...

How did you do without a stroller on the connection. It's so awful that Air France does that to parents, taking the stroller and not returning it till you get to your destination. Ugh!

I can't believe Air France still uses those dangerous "belly belts" for babies! When will those be banned?!? I hope you unhooked it for take-off and landing!

Glad you were able to enjoy Greenland from the air. Too bad you don't go over Iceland too but it's often not clear enough to see it. You were lucky!