Thursday, October 08, 2009

Erik's Portraits age 7 1/2

Well I've now switched over to shooting exclusively in RAW for my portrait work. I've been having a lot of fun working with the kids lately and luckily they still enjoy posing for me :) I've also been warned about posting these w/o copyright so if you notice the watermark you'll know why. I don't want these to end up somewhere they shouldn't be...and I'm also now only uploading very low resolution images. I was warned that on Facebook for instance, they reserve the right to use anything you upload! Well if they use my pictures they are going to be at 400 x 600 dpi so nothing serious could be done with that resolution anyway.
Here is a glimpse of my growing man at age 7 1/2 (he was officially at the halfway mark on the 6th!)

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