Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Well there is a lot to report...but it just time seems time is my major obstacle at the moment. Okay, upcoming news: Krista's gym happenings, Mike's new album release, Evan's developments and Kaitlyn's school adaptation.

Yesterday's big news headline before I head off---Evan is standing! I left the room yesterday with Evan happily playing with his stuffed toys in his playpen, and when I got back he was STANDING! He had a 10 inch grin across his face and was SO PROUD to have pulled up all by himself! Today he has been pulling up all day and has taken a few crusing steps around the playpen.

He started crawling about 3 weeks ago (a little over 8 months) and now at 9 months and a few days is on his way to cruising! Boy this little man works FAST!

More updates and pictures soon!

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