Some of my favs from our Halloween portrait shoot. I've been playing photog very intensively over the last month or two. I have many, many more to share. I hope I'll have some time to upload them.
A few bits of news...Toomas sister visited this past week from Sweden. We had a great time and I took some great pictures. I'll get those up soon.
Evan can stand now for a few seconds without support! He is learning so quickly. He is sleeping terribly at night still but that is not new news!!! He has also learned to wave and make a silly face at the same time. It is just ADORABLE!!!
The kids head back to school soon (Thursday) and I'm looking forward to that. For now enjoy the pics!
He is gorgeous Kelly! Looking more like Kaitlyn every day.
Thanks Veronika! I got your pics last month (or two). Your kids are looking so grown up now...and GORGEOUS! :)
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