Sunday, January 03, 2010

New Favorite

Peace... day 3/365
Originally uploaded by kidzmom2009
Another new favorite! This is day 3 in my 365 Project on Flickr. A photo a day of my very favorite work...not easy, but challenging and rewarding :) I'm growing by leaps and bounds now as I am shooting almost daily. I'm loving full Manual and RAW.

Evan looks like a newborn here...he is such a solid napper. I can open the blinds once he is asleep and click away. Hard to believe that in 2 weeks he will be ONE year old. Where has the time gone.

I still need to put up pictures of Christmas and from when the cousin's visited. The files are so large and it takes so long on Blogger. I really love the Flickr account for the unlimited file size. One picture can be approx 15 mb or more so it REALLY is nice.

The kids start school tomorrow so I should finally have some time to myself. The Holidays were wonderful, but we are all ready to resume in the normal rhythm again :)

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