Sunday, January 31, 2010

Winning Photo Screen Shot

I won a photo contest yesterday. I'm completely thrilled with this because this particular forum (called dgrin), is filled with top notch professional photographers. It is a very technical site and I have learned so much about lighting, post-processing, and shooting in manual from this site. I joined in September when I got my first dSLR camera and only 4 months later I actually won a challenge. There are challenges with various topics for each month. This month's challenge was entltled "Layers and Textures". I have never really played with layers or textures so this was new. I used what is called a "layer mask" and added a vintage texture to this photo. I also changed the levels curve, added a fill color and a few more touches. It took a good bit of time to master the layering mask technique but now I feel comfortable with it. I learned a lot and won in the process! Doesn't get better than that! Since I'm the January winner I will get a small biography/interview on the forum, along with a gallery of my photos. I need to select the topic for next month's people challenge too. Very excitng for me! :)


4 in 4 said...

Congratulations, Kelly! That is awesome! I've really been enjoying your photos that you have been posting! You are doing great!

How was Evan's birthday? Are you going to post photos and a story about that? I hope so! I hope you had a great day with your baby!


Francemama said...

Thanks Alex!! Yes, I'm planning on getting some pictures up from his birthday for sure! I've been out of the blogging loop lately ;) Too busy taking pictures...not enough time to do anything with them, lol! Hope you guys are well!! I've been thinking about you. We are looking forward to Spring here! I can't wait to get outside with Evan. With him starting to toddle it is hard to be inside all of the time. XX