Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rhythmic Gymnastics World Tops!

Krista's Rhythmic Gymnastics team organized a trip to see this competition of the world's tops in Rhythmic Gymnastics. She called from the hotel this morning and is having a WONDERFUL time. Evidently she was able to get a bunch of autographs and also a photo with one of Russia's RG champions. Here is a link to the offical site with the competition information...

Not sure whether she will go to school tomorrow morning or not. They left at 6:45 a.m. yesterday and will only be back tonight in the wee hours (maybe 1 or 2 a.m.). This was a great opportunity for her though--to see what level of excellence exists in this sport. I'm sure it was very inspiring! Here is a link to the compeition's offical website.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Future GRS Star at

This was something I meant to post a while back. It was taken back in November! She was a wee 3.5 then :)

Friday, March 26, 2010

I won a photo contest!

WOW! I'm so honored---and $250.00 in prizes richer!!!! I won the Digital Grin Sharp Shooters Contest #46 (Theme: GREEN)!!! I have been a member of Digital Grin (Dgrin) since September. It is there that I have learned so much about photography, lighting and manual shooting. There are so many top pros there and they kindly share their knowlege and expertise, so that others will progress. This site regularly host contests and when I saw this month's theme as Green I just knew I had to enter! And I actually won!

There were 57 entries into the Green gallery. A panel of 2 judges selected 14 photos (7 each) and then it was open to public vote for 72 hours. Here is the inital gallery and the results poll.

Green Gallery:

The results poll:

I get to judge round #49 and I also win a $149.49 Pro account/website on Dgrin and $100 in photo prints/gifts. Hooray, I'm so happy!!!! And so honored!

PS Excuse the photo quality. I have reduced this file to nearly the smallest viewable...200x300. Not even printable! No theft of my photos allowed :)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Evan can WALK! at

Here are a few clips of Evan walking! One is from last month at Kaitlyn's baby gym and the other is from this week in the yard. Enjoy!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Posing...Day 66

Krista posing for me on the mat on competition day last Sunday. Once again.. I completely lucked out in finding this deserted room. It was pitch black, but I pulled back one curtain for lighting (to camera right). If I would have had another hand I could have pulled back a few more but I really liked the way these turned out.

Gymnastics Competition Day...Day 65

Here's my golden star on her competition day (Rhythmic Gymnastics). I snuck off to a side warm-up room, just off the main gymnastics floor and found my glory. It was completely dark inside the room but there were curtains covering the whole wall and I lifted one to let in just the right amount of light. The padded floor was bright blue and made a perfect background. Hardly any editing on this shot--maybe 2 mintues worth. I ran a very light sharpen, upped the blacks and saturated the reds. Make up was done by her team. The glow on her skin is the beauty of all natural light!