Friday, March 26, 2010

I won a photo contest!

WOW! I'm so honored---and $250.00 in prizes richer!!!! I won the Digital Grin Sharp Shooters Contest #46 (Theme: GREEN)!!! I have been a member of Digital Grin (Dgrin) since September. It is there that I have learned so much about photography, lighting and manual shooting. There are so many top pros there and they kindly share their knowlege and expertise, so that others will progress. This site regularly host contests and when I saw this month's theme as Green I just knew I had to enter! And I actually won!

There were 57 entries into the Green gallery. A panel of 2 judges selected 14 photos (7 each) and then it was open to public vote for 72 hours. Here is the inital gallery and the results poll.

Green Gallery:

The results poll:

I get to judge round #49 and I also win a $149.49 Pro account/website on Dgrin and $100 in photo prints/gifts. Hooray, I'm so happy!!!! And so honored!

PS Excuse the photo quality. I have reduced this file to nearly the smallest viewable...200x300. Not even printable! No theft of my photos allowed :)

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Wow, that's a real honor. I checked out your "competition" and there were some impressive photos. I liked the "stairway to nowhere" one especially.

I think you won because of the very idea of placing a baby like that. I think since they're serious photographers, they appreciate the difficulty in taking children in studio portraits. That stairway didn't risk waking up...