Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rhythmic Gymnastics World Tops!

Krista's Rhythmic Gymnastics team organized a trip to see this competition of the world's tops in Rhythmic Gymnastics. She called from the hotel this morning and is having a WONDERFUL time. Evidently she was able to get a bunch of autographs and also a photo with one of Russia's RG champions. Here is a link to the offical site with the competition information...

Not sure whether she will go to school tomorrow morning or not. They left at 6:45 a.m. yesterday and will only be back tonight in the wee hours (maybe 1 or 2 a.m.). This was a great opportunity for her though--to see what level of excellence exists in this sport. I'm sure it was very inspiring! Here is a link to the compeition's offical website.

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