Monday, February 26, 2007

Carnival Fun-- "Mardi-Gras"

The kids had their Carnival party at school last week and had a BLAST!! On Carnival (or Mardi-Gras), they dress up with costumes and always have a party at school in the afternoon, complete with music, dancing and plenty of food. A Carnival staple is the "beignet"--which is a french donut. Not exactly our idea of a donut in shape or form...just bascially fried sweet bread. The kids then have a parade through the village and throw confetti EVERYWHERE. For days after Carnival you will find ribbons, confetti and other colorful items strewn all over the roads and sidewalks. The kids have a lot of fun, but the city sure has a lot of clean-up to do after the Mardi-Gras fun!

Krista decided she wanted to be a doctor (but we could only find a nurse costume), and Erik wanted to be the pirate, Jack Sparrow, from Pirates of the Caribbean. It is interesting to note that the costumes that the kids choose are usually the type of costumes that the kids in the US choose for Halloween. Here though, Halloween costumes cannot be friendly (princess, doctor, clown or the like). Halloween costumes are STRICTLY "Halloweenish": namely skeletons, pumpkins, witches, black cats, or ghosts. Carnival (Mardi-Gras) is for the "cute" and fun costumes!!!
They sure had fun dressing up! I got a few fun photos of the afternoon. Here is one with Erik, his pre-school teacher and a few of his classmates.

Friday, February 23, 2007

No No No!!!

No no no blogs from me lately and No No No from Kaitlyn too (see attached video).

Its been a busy week--but when are they NOT busy around here?! The kids had a fun week with Carnival at school (I'll post pictures of them in their costumes) and a few parties this week. I got a flat tire this week (when attempting to park on a curb) and boy was it ever FLAT! We had to drive home on it too (fortunately it was very close) going about 5 mph through the village with my blinkers on--what a sight!!! Luckily great Dad the handy-man was able to change it in a flash! The passat comes equipt with an ACTUAL tire and not the flimsy "spare" that you often see cars having. I was really impressed to see such a quality tire. You can't even tell it is the spare. We'll have to get a spare to put in the back now though. More for the to-do list.

In other exciting weekly news, Kaitlyn has learned to shake her head NO (which is VERY cute), get up on her knees and rock, and smack her lips when I tell her it is time to eat! We also bought our plane tickets for a summer trip to America! We are VERY excited to go "home". We'll be leaving on July 11th and returning on August 15th-- so it will be a nice, long summer trip! It is hard to believe that it will be TWO years since we've last been home by the time this summer rolls around. I just CAN NOT believe that. It IS true though, since we didn't travel to the USA last summer. Amazing! This will be Kaitlyn's FIRST trip to the states also---and probabally her ONLY non-paying ticket! We will only get to profit from the "under 24 months free" rule this one and only time! With Krista we actually took FOUR trans-atlantic trips in the time before she turned two years old (at 6 months, 13 months, 18 months and 21 months). With no one in school back then, we sure had a lot more freedom! Now we are limited to trips during school holidays....and it isn't easy! So needless to say, we are VERY much looking forward to our trip this summer.

I will leave you with a little clip of Kaitlyn doing her "No No No". It sure is cute when they do the No at first---I think in about a year (or maybe before)...I will not be so thrilled or excited to see her saying No...and by the way, why is it that they learn NO first anyway?!

Friday, February 16, 2007


Bread....YUMMMMY! Kaitlyn had her first taste of bread this week...and not only bread---but, FRENCH bread! Definately one of the bonuses about living in France--REAL baguette bread...baked fresh, everyday (TWICE a day even). You break a fundamental law in French culture if your bread is more than 12 hours old!!! One can ONLY eat bread that is freshly baked..even sometimes still warm! People order it for precise pickup hours. Amazing!

So Kaitlyn had her first taste of French culture this week and LOVED it! She did a good job of taking little bites and chewing (or rather gumming) it very well. I remember once when Krista was about 18 months old, I found a baguette ENTIRELY hollowed out from the center. She had stuck her arm in to remove the bread and ate only the soft part from the center. What a funny girl!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Everything is back on track...

Well the good news is that everyone is back in shape! The kids are healthy again and things are back into a nice routine at last! Erik had his first day back at school today and it went really well. It helped that I managed to get everyone (including Kaitlyn) into bed at 7:45 last night!

Toomas went to Estonia on Friday and will be returning tonight! HOORAY! We have missed him a lot and are always reminded of how much of a help he is around the house when he's gone! It sure it tough running a 3 kid family alone! I am so thankful for Toomas' wonderful Daddy skills...because without him I'm really lost!

No other updates....Kaitlyn is really funny these days though. She does this "fake" laugh when she hears us laughing about something. She tries to join in with the laughter like she knows what we are laughing about. It is HILARIOUS! We end up laughing even harder when we hear her "faking her way" into our joke!

Today I received the address stamp that Grandma made for us. I always complain how I hate handwriting our return address on everything. She went out and had an address stamper made! We got the package today and I went to stamp a paper to see how the font looked.... and guess what? Our return address is now officially: "Tom Berger- Judge #793". How hilarious!!! Thanks Mom!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Littles Are Sick

This week's news is that the 2 little members of the family are sick. Both Kaitlyn and Erik are struggling this week with the stomach flu! It hasn't been a fun week for them---fevers (up to 103.5), thowing up, blow-out diapers for Kaitlyn and lots of trips to the bathroom for Erik. I am glad that at least Toomas, Krista and myself have been spared from this so we can help out to make them feel better! I've sure done a lot of laundry this week. The machine has been going non-stop. Last night at 1 am I changed Kaitlyn's diaper FOUR times in the span of 20 minutes. There should have been a hidden camera in her room--I would lierally finish cleaning her up, get a fresh, clean diaper on her, put her pj's back on, wash my hands and then again ----that SOUND requiring another diaper change! After the 4th diaper both Kaitlyn and I had enough! Fortunately 4 was the lucky number and she managed to sleep afterwards. She hasn't been as plagued by the throwing up as Erik has though....poor little man!

In other news, Toomas went to Paris a few days ago to get the kids their European Union passports! Since Estonia is now a member of the EU they are all entitled to Estonian EU passports! I think it is great that they are passport holders from both USA and Estonia---they will be able to work, live and study without problems in Europe and America! This will be great for when they are older. So, in order to get the passports Toomas had to travel to Paris. The upshot was that he hit the Disney and Gap stores there and got a bunch of new clothes for the kids!! What a GREAT Dad! Here are a few pics from his passport/shopping trip to Paris!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Kaitlyn is 9 Months!

Kaitlyn is now 9 months and 5 days old! She is growing more and more fun with each passing day. The last week or 2 have been very big ones in her communication skills. She is really starting to understand us--which is wonderful to see! My favorite thing she does now is give kisses. If you tell her "Kaitlyn give Mommy kisses and love" she wraps her arms around your neck and blows a big raspberry on your cheek. It is so so precious to see! I am so happy to have such a sweet and loving little girl!

Her mischevious side is coming out a bit now too-she knows when she shouldn't be doing something like pulling out tissues from a box or putting a book in her mouth. She just looks at you with a little devilish grin and laughs! It is adorable!

This month she has learned to say "quack quack" for her favorite little toy duck who quacks when you push his stomach. It is wonderful to see her anticipation when I have him in my hands and before I've pushed on his stomach to start the quacking.
Physically she is getting more active also. She can do a 360 on her stomach and also push herself backwards when she is up on her arms. She still doesn't quite get the idea of being on her knees, but she can push herself backwards so she is moving--just not very far yet! Last month her only form of movement was inching backwards while on her back. Up until recently she has really detested being placed on her stomach, but now she will play for awhile before rolling over to her back. She still doesn't love being on her stomach, but I can see that she is learning that she can go places in that position so she is taking more interest.

One big surprise I had the other morning was that when I woke up Kaitlyn was sitting up in her crib. I didn't know if she rolled to her stomach and then got into a sitting position, but when I layed her back down she did it again.....and so I saw how she did it! This little mighty girl went from a flat lying position to sitting by doing a crunching situp! Amazing! She has some very strong baby abdominal muscles!

This month Kaitlyn started to eat cereal and pasta and really loves it! I usually mix a bit of rice cereal with juice and she eats it willingly. She also adores yogurt, most fruits, carrots and green beans. She has been eating pieces lastely too--when we cook carrots or other veggies I break them into small pieces and she eats them. She adores eating bananas in their whole form and is very careful not to take too big of a bite. She LOVES cheerios the most! Unfortunately the 1 box of cheerios we do have is coming to an end. Grandma brought us a box in October since we cannot get them here.

Kaitlyn also loves MUSIC! She will dance and move around whenever the sterio is turned on! She is just like Erik in this respect. He just can't get enough and I always catch him with a drumstick or an empty papertowel roll in his hand for a microphone. Krista is more into the dance aspect...and has an excellent ear for music but is more inclined to dance than sing. I think Kaitlyn will also follow in her footsteps as I see her so taken in when the music goes on!

So that is a brief update on our little 9 month old girl! She has really become more of a "person" vs baby this month! It is exciting to watch her grow and develop and become part of the family.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Bouncing Baby Girl

So, Kaitlyn had a rough week but has now recovered. She got in tooth #6 and had a good many sleepless nights with that, and then this week while practicing walking (holding my hands) she managed to hurt her elbow--all was fine though, just a scare for me! :) She's back to her happy self now though, and is sleeping MUCH better also.

For some fun, I brought up my brother Tommy's old baby jumper. Kaitlyn was MADE for this thing! She had a blast! She is really coming out of her shell these days. She is talking NON-STOP now.. Dada, mama, buba, ba ba, ga ga, back back (which is quack quack for the duck). She turned 9 months this week too--just AMAZING! Oh and one more WONDERFUL development is that she now gives kisses on command. I just LOVE this age. I ask her to give me a kiss and she actually does it almost 100% of the time! So fun!!! I'll try to get a full update on her 9 month self very soon. I had a computer outage this week so I'm a bit behind----we had a corrupted hard drive, but fortunately the computer guys at Toomas' work helped us out and all is repaired and back to normal.

Here is Kaitlyn having a bit of fun!!!