Saturday, February 03, 2007

Bouncing Baby Girl

So, Kaitlyn had a rough week but has now recovered. She got in tooth #6 and had a good many sleepless nights with that, and then this week while practicing walking (holding my hands) she managed to hurt her elbow--all was fine though, just a scare for me! :) She's back to her happy self now though, and is sleeping MUCH better also.

For some fun, I brought up my brother Tommy's old baby jumper. Kaitlyn was MADE for this thing! She had a blast! She is really coming out of her shell these days. She is talking NON-STOP now.. Dada, mama, buba, ba ba, ga ga, back back (which is quack quack for the duck). She turned 9 months this week too--just AMAZING! Oh and one more WONDERFUL development is that she now gives kisses on command. I just LOVE this age. I ask her to give me a kiss and she actually does it almost 100% of the time! So fun!!! I'll try to get a full update on her 9 month self very soon. I had a computer outage this week so I'm a bit behind----we had a corrupted hard drive, but fortunately the computer guys at Toomas' work helped us out and all is repaired and back to normal.

Here is Kaitlyn having a bit of fun!!!

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