Friday, February 23, 2007

No No No!!!

No no no blogs from me lately and No No No from Kaitlyn too (see attached video).

Its been a busy week--but when are they NOT busy around here?! The kids had a fun week with Carnival at school (I'll post pictures of them in their costumes) and a few parties this week. I got a flat tire this week (when attempting to park on a curb) and boy was it ever FLAT! We had to drive home on it too (fortunately it was very close) going about 5 mph through the village with my blinkers on--what a sight!!! Luckily great Dad the handy-man was able to change it in a flash! The passat comes equipt with an ACTUAL tire and not the flimsy "spare" that you often see cars having. I was really impressed to see such a quality tire. You can't even tell it is the spare. We'll have to get a spare to put in the back now though. More for the to-do list.

In other exciting weekly news, Kaitlyn has learned to shake her head NO (which is VERY cute), get up on her knees and rock, and smack her lips when I tell her it is time to eat! We also bought our plane tickets for a summer trip to America! We are VERY excited to go "home". We'll be leaving on July 11th and returning on August 15th-- so it will be a nice, long summer trip! It is hard to believe that it will be TWO years since we've last been home by the time this summer rolls around. I just CAN NOT believe that. It IS true though, since we didn't travel to the USA last summer. Amazing! This will be Kaitlyn's FIRST trip to the states also---and probabally her ONLY non-paying ticket! We will only get to profit from the "under 24 months free" rule this one and only time! With Krista we actually took FOUR trans-atlantic trips in the time before she turned two years old (at 6 months, 13 months, 18 months and 21 months). With no one in school back then, we sure had a lot more freedom! Now we are limited to trips during school holidays....and it isn't easy! So needless to say, we are VERY much looking forward to our trip this summer.

I will leave you with a little clip of Kaitlyn doing her "No No No". It sure is cute when they do the No at first---I think in about a year (or maybe before)...I will not be so thrilled or excited to see her saying No...and by the way, why is it that they learn NO first anyway?!

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