The weather has been EXCELLENT and sunny, although the first few days they were VERY, VERY hot. Yesterday Toomas took them on a 3 day trip to Switzerland. I talked to Toomas last night and they had a blast in Geneva. He said the weather cooperated so they were able to see everything they wanted to see and of course the mountains were very impressive.
The kids have had a great time with their grandparents. They have enjoyed showing them their new rooms, their schools and have been doing very well speaking Estonian. Krista has been reading every day in Estonian with Vanaema and is doing wonderfully!! On Saturday they all went to the Arlette-Gruss circus. Erik LOVES circuses so it was a very special day for him and Krista.

On a walking update---Kaitlyn continues to learn to walk. She can now take a few steps, stop and stand, and then start up again. She is still "goal-walking" but has been taking more and more steps at a time. She can walk the length of her bedroom carpet now.....although she does so only when SHE feels like practicing!!!! If she doesn't want to practice then she just refuses to stand up and arches her back. I have taken a few videos of her walking, but can't upload them until Toomas gets back from Switzerland with the videocamera.