The day was GORGEOUS! It reminded me so much of the weather that we had this time last year on her actual birth day. We took advantage of the day to the fullest. She had a stroller ride in the morning and her first ever real bike ride (with helmet) in the afternoon. She really loved it! It was fun for all 5 of us to bike together as a family. The big kids loved it too. For a break we stopped off at the park by our old house and let Kaitlyn walk/crawl around. She is trying to take a few steps on her own now. If she is in the mood then I can just stand her up and she will walk to my hands (if I am close). She is really steady on her feet and can stand for a pretty long time now before she sits back down. I'm not sure she really gets the idea that she is supposed to try to walk on her own though. She sure looked cute in the little bike helmet and again today went out for another bike ride. She absolutely detests putting the helmet on, but once she forgets about it she has a blast.
I baked 2 cakes for her bithday (one chocolate chip and one plain chocolate). SHE LOVED HER CAKES! It was like she was expecting them too! After we sang to her she dug right in and really enjoyed trying cake for the first time. It was so fun to see her make such a mess.
All in all it was a fantastic and memorable day. I can't believe she is ONE. We will celebrate with the Estonians on Saturday (over 20 people coming). I don't think she will really care much for the group party (mostly for us), but at least she had a WONDERFUL and special birthday with us yesterday!
It sounds like a wonderful day. The cakes looked and sounded delicious too. Have a fun party on Saturday!
What a beautiful party for a beautiful girl!
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