Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Group Party and Landscaping...

Well, the last two weeks have passed in the blink of an eye. We've been keeping very, very busy around here with Kaitlyn's group party a week ago and lots and lots of yard work in between. Her party was a week and a half ago and was a hit for all. We invited 20 plus of our local Estonian friends and their families. Kaitlyn had a wonderful time! She had so much fun with her cake again and presents, but this time she made a bigger mess with her cake and even had an audience to perform for. She loved it! She received lots of cute clothes which were really welcome. Krista has lots of baby clothes at are in very good shape so Kaitlyn is mostly re-using those, but it sure is fun to have a few NEW additions for the wardrobe! Thanks to our friends for all the great gifts, but mostly for sharing a fun evening with us and Kaitlyn on her 1st birthday.

The other big news is that we HAVE GRASS!!! The landscapers planted grass seed on wednesday, April 25th...so we are now on day 20 after plantation. It has been an amazing process to watch and I have learned a lot about grass. They seeded with a combo of perennial rye-grass, red fescue and kentucky bluegrass. The perennial rye grass was already visible after only 6 days. I took a photo on Mother's Day (Sunday) which was day 18, and by that point we already had about 3 inches plus! Up until today there had been no rain since we planted, so I've been working every day for at least 1 hour watering our dirt! You feel silly out there watering your dirt, but it sure paid off!!!! I had to re-seed a few patches last week where it didn't take very well and am already seeing the sprouts! I also put up an edging around the side section of the yard where we have the gravel down. I like the idea of a clear separation between the rocks and the grass and it looks really nice now. It is SOOO wonderful to have a yard at long last. Not too much longer and we'll be mowing and running around on it too! So first off is a picture of our yard, followed by some photos from the group party.

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