Sunday, May 20, 2007

Kaitlyn took her first steps!!!

I'm not going to say that Kaitlyn is walking yet, but she sure is taking steps on her own!!! On Thursday night my friend Sharon came over to put up the security gates she lent us (THANKS SHARON), and that very night we let Kaitlyn cruise at will in the upstairs loft area. SHE LOVED IT! She was cruising around holding onto the banister (with one hand) and just loving the freedom. THEN, all of a sudden she released her one hand and she was just walking. I'd say she took 6-8 steps and then bent over to get down to a crawling position. She was very controlled, it was so wild to see her walk! Toomas, Erik and I were there and our jaws just dropped. It was so funny because she didn't even know she was walking! It wasn't a fluke either because by the end of the day Friday she could take as many as 10 steps at a time to a goal. She is doing this "goal" walking still, but she is taking steps. I'm a little worried about her falling so I'm not giving her the opportunities as much as I should. I'm thinking we should go to Tubi-Tuba one of these days so she can really practice-up where it is nice and padded. Some days I would just LOVE to have wall to wall carpet in at least ONE room of my home. So anyway, that is the big update!

In other news, we have visitors coming on Thursday! The kids are really getting excited to see their Vanaema and Vanaisa, all the way from Estonia. It will be the first trip Toomas' parents have made to stay at our new house. They will also be taking a trip to Switzerland with Toomas while they are here also. It will be a fun week for all.


4 in 4 said...

Way to go Kaitlyn! Congratulations!

Erin Crispin said...

How neat! Great work Kaitlyn!

Lauren said...

Yay, Kaitlyn!!! Now you're in trouble, Kelly!! I was starting to feel lonely out here in the land of the walking!

Francemama said...

Trouble for sure!!! She is SO clueless about danger it isn't even funny! I want a padded house! I'm already dreading her wanting to walk everywhere--she is so strong willed I will either have to tolerate slowness screaming....UGH! I'm already looking forward to her 2nd b-day so she'll be a little more reasonable.