Saturday, June 02, 2007

Kaitlyn Can Sing!!!!

Well this is funny, but Kaitlyn knows how to sing!!! She REALLY can. Her vocabulary pretty darn big for a 13 month old too! She can sing "Happy Birthday to You" and has even started singing the A,B,C song also!! Here is a little clip of Kaitlyn singing "Happy Birthday." It was taken 3 days ago on her 13 month birthday. She DID NOT want to sing for the camera, and put up a bit of a battle, but we got it. She is usually very happy to sing, except when I force her!!! Part I is ME singing the song to get her into the mood and Part II is Kaitlyn singing a few verses!!! You have to listen pretty hard but it is there :)


Lauren said...

That's amazing!!! She really IS trying to sing Happy Birthday!!! What a hoot! Looks like you have another little performer in the gang!

Francemama said...

Thanks Lauren. It is funny isn't it! I'm glad I'm not imagining it and you could hear it too :)