Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Krista is EIGHT Today!

Today is Krista's 8th birthday. WHERE do the years go? Eight is starting to sound old now too...I put together a little slideshow of Krista's 8 years and as I was watching it, I could REALLY start to see the differences in her right before my very eyes!!! I think it is especially noticable between this and last year--adult teeth really do make a difference! She is really growing up.

Krista is a bright, responsible, spirited, talented, friendly and special little girl. She has matured and developed so much in the last few years and I am very proud of her. She has shown dedication and responsiblity in her schoolwork and activities...and continues to amaze me with her thoughts and discoveries! She loves dancing, being with her friends, crafts, READING, rollerblading, riding her bike, swimming, writing and RECEIVING e-mails and recently basketball...the list goes on! She is so much fun to be with---always filled with smiles and laughter.

WE LOVE YOU KRISTA!!! I hope you LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE your new Nintendo DS! (Krista has been wanting one for some time now and guess what? Today is her lucky day!) HAPPY 8th BIRTHDAY!

1 comment:

4 in 4 said...

Happy Birtday, Krista! Kelly, great montage, as always--you do such a great job with those and it was so nice to look back over the years at her birthdays! Have a happy and special 8th birthday!