Krista Marie is officially an altar girl now. As of September, she has started her religous study preparations for her First Holy Communinon (bi-weekly classes and masses), so she now has the right to serve during mass. Her First Communion will take place in April of 2009, just before her 10th Birthday. The preparations are much longer here in France and they also receive Holy Communion at a much later age. I believe this is better because the children are more capable of understanding this sacrement. I am very happy that Krista has chosen to become an altar girl. She is very excited about this big responsibility. She did a wonderful job in her first Mass (a few weeks ago for All Saints Day). This is the church where Kaitlyn was baptised just 1 short year ago. On a sidenote, when I was in Catholic school, only boys were able to serve in the masses. I am so glad the times have changed and she is now able to participate freely in our religious services. I am very proud of her.
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