Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Our sportsman

Basketball Guy

Erik is our real sports guy these days. I don't know whether it is the actual SPORT per se that he is "into", but rather the idea of uniforms in general. He LOVES uniforms. He LOVES dressing up. He is asking for uniforms and costumes of all genres this Chrismas. Seriously, he is ONLY asking for uniforms this Christmas. He has his list all set for Santa. He wants a complete basketball warm-up set and uniform, a complete soccer uniform (shinguards, cleats), a policeman costume, and a cowboy costume! No toys mentioned this year at all. Amazing really. He is such a very creative little boy...and his imagination just runs wild when he dresses up and acts out the roles. It is great fun to watch!

Here he is in his basketball uniform from when he was 1 1/2 years old. I had to dig it out of the storage bags in the basement. It is a size 12 months! Still fits!

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