Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Bringing back "The Gown"

After cleaning out Krista's closet last week we discovered that Kaitlyn REALLY wants to wear nightgowns! Currently I still have her in her "baby" sleepers from Carters...the snuggly ones with the feet. Somehow I didn't think she was old enough for gowns yet??!! Well she thinks she is, anyway! She took one of Krista's big gowns and tried to put it on. Unfortunately it was a size 7 and was WAY too big...but the stage was set. I now know she is going to be like Krista in many ways. They both have a very stubborn, insistant and strong-willed personality. This had been a real asset for Krista and I hope it will be the same for Kaitlyn. This "driven" personality has already led to many small successes in Krista's life and I pray the same will be the case for little Kaitlyn.
Anyway, back to the gown issue... So after I realized she was ready for the 'gown transisition' I headed off to find Krista's beloved "Disney Princess" nightgown. It is tattered and torn but VERY loved. I have so many fond memories of Krista running around in that gown!! When I put it on Kaitlyn she just LIT UP! She loved it. She started swirling, running and dancing. It was so funny to see. When I uploaded the thumbnails onto the computer I couldn't belive looked JUST like Krista. Toomas said the same thing when he saw Kaitlyn in "the gown"!!!

So here she is...22 months and already in "the gown"!!!

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