Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Happenings '08

What busy time of year! Easter week was filled with many religous activities for us. Krista, as an altar girl & First Communion student, had a lot of events to attend. There were 2 masses this past week and we also went to the "stations of the cross" on Wednesday. The Easter "Eve" mass was great, but SOOOO LONG! It started at 8:30 and we didn't get home until past 11:00. Poor Erik fell asleep on my lap at church. Krista did a wonderful job as "servant de mess" / altar girl. There was a candle-light procession from the parish center to the church which was really neat . (see photo of Krista in her altar-gown). It was SO COLD that night though, and on Easter morning we woke up to snow! It was still a really fun Easter, despite the SNOW falling outside. I had visions of the girls running around the yard in their matching dresses and Erik in pure bliss on the BIG day of the Easter egg hunt! Instead it turned out to be a fun morning of indoor egg hunting! Kaitlyn didn't really 'get it' at all. She just wanted to eat CHOCOLATE! This posed a small problem because it always seems to trigger an allergic skin reaction for her. I ALMOST managed to keep her from eating chocolate on Easter, but she was a sneak and quickly swallowed it whole! It was a fun day for all! I also will try to post a few photos of the kids Easter craft projects too. I'm pretty much swamped right now with all the preparations for our big trip to the states for Mike's wedding! WE CAN'T WAIT!

1 comment:

4 in 4 said...

Hi Kelly!
I wanted to comment on Kaitlyn's birthday, but there was no spot for comments, so I will leave it here! She is beautiful and is sounds like a wonderful day! I still can't believe our babies are 2 already! Where is the time going?