Friday, March 07, 2008

They WON!! First place!!

This year, along with her CF3 team, Krista was selected to be on a team of 4 girls who will participate in the French Regional level (called DR Poussine--Regional Division). They had their FIRST competition on Saturday and came in FIRST Place!! Each of the girls received a medal (on the FIRST place podium) and the team recived a trophy. It was in a city about 45 mintues away from here, and we spent the WHOLE day there (We left at 11 am, returned at 7 pm). There were teams of all different competitive levels, with Krista's team being the youngest. We saw some AMAZING talent. It was really great. If I have time I will post a few of the advanced level's performances. Here are a few photos. I will post the professional photos once they appear on the photographer's website ( I checked today and they have not uploaded them yet).

1 comment:

4 in 4 said...

That's great! How exciting. Congratulations Krista!