Krista is officially on her way to the pre-teen stage! Ear piercing, the famous rite-of-passage for almost every girl in the Western world....It is done! She had ear's pierced when we were on vacation in the US. She has been wanting this for SO long now and was literally just begging us weekly to do them. I must say in her defense, that most of the girls in her class DO have their ears pierced and she WAS one of the odd-girls-out (although I personally had to wait until I was almost 12!). Anyway, back at Christmas this year we promised her she could have them pierced. I bought a special kit that is 100% disposable. I did not like even the idea of the re-useable "gun" that they have at places like "Claire's" or "Piercing Pagoda" so when I found this sytem by
Coren I was thrilled. The whole kit is sealed up (just like a vaccine), and the WHOLE thing is disposable. The gun is integrated and is thrown away. We found a pediatrician in the US who agreed to do this and she also used a lidocaine cream on the lobes 20 minutes before. The doctor was a bit spastic, but the nurse was wonderful and Krista's ears turned out perfectly! Krista was so excited that Grandma was able to take the day off to come with Krista for her ear piercing too--Krista really wanted Grandma to be a part of it. She is 6 weeks into the 8 week wait before she can take out the special studs. She is just THRILLED with her new look and with the lidocaine she said it didn't hurt at all! Her ears were red for about 1 hour after the proceedure and that was it---no hint of swelling, pain or oozing at all. They are beautiful!
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