Monday, May 05, 2008

Stockholm Visitors

We have visitors! Toomas' sister, Helen and her family have come to visit us for a long weekend (from Sweden). The kids are loving all of the excitement around the house, as well as the chance to practice their Estonian language skills. Since the cousins Isabel (6) and Elise (4) speak 2 languages: Estonian and Swedish and mine do not know Swedish, that leaves Estonian! All of the kids have done a wonderful job of putting their Estonian into action and have had a lot of fun these last 2 days. They all fell asleep by 8:30 tonight so you know they had a full day of fun! Last night we had a cake (and pizza) celebration for Kaitlyn (her 2nd Second Birthday) and today we took a long walk around the new construction area in the neighborhood, stopped off at the park, and spent a lot of time outside riding bikes and playing in the sun. It was a beautiful day (25 C ish), so we all had a lot of fun in the warm sun. Here are a few photos of the last 2 days. Tomorrow we will be going to an amusement park which will be great. Stay tuned :)

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