Saturday, May 10, 2008

The last day with their cousins!

Well here is the suite to the photos from earlier on in the week. We ended up our fun trip with Helen, Janne, Isabel and Elise by spending the day at a nearby amusement park. The weather was fabulous and the kids had a blast. After we left the park we took the scenic route home (small villages and vineyards) and that was breathtaking! Even after having had lived here for 10 years, those sights still take my breath away! After we came home we had a gift exhange---THANKS Helen, Janne and kids for your kind gifts to us. Thanks too to Vanaema for the cute book and tights for Kaitlyn's birthday. Later in the evening we ended the trip with a dinner on the town. Kaitlyn was not on her best behavior and we had a bad experience with the table behind us, but such is life with a toddler! We were so happy that Helen, Janne, Isabel and Elise came to visit! Krista and Erik are still talking about the fun they had with their cousins! :)

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