Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Back to School!

It is finally here....the FIRST day back to school! It is always such an exciting time. The end of summer vacation and the long awaited "rentree". It was a wonderful morning. The kids woke up chipper and ready to roll. They had their backpacks loaded, snacks ready and their clothes out for the big morning. Krista is entering 4th grade this year and Erik is entering CP (essentially French Kindergarten, but US 1st grade). They are FINALLY at the same school together! Krista had to be at school at 8 a.m. today (the usual starting time), but Erik's class didn't meet until 8:30. Since this is his entry into the elementary school the parents get to accompany the children into the class and help them set up their desks. Next year we will just leave him at the gate. I took the opportunity for photos since this will be the last time I get to take him inside the school on the first day. The reason the first year children meet at 8:30 is so that they aren't intimidated by the hustle and bustle of the big kids on the first morning back. Erik did WONDERFULLY! He was really excited to start working and to show the teacher his reading and writing skills. He wasn't nervous at all---a big bonus being the 2nd child and already seeing Krista go through this. I spent my morning in peace with Kaitlyn. We went to buy Erik a rain jacket and a few pairs of pants for Kaitlyn. She deserved a little spoiling on a difficult day---she will really miss Krista and Erik's company all day long. We picked the kids up at 11:45 for lunch, and per Toomas' suggestion took them to McDonalds. They were both so happy. It was great to see them so excited about school! I hope this attitude contines for many, many years! Krista loved her teacher and Erik said his teacher already knew his name (since she had Krista a few years ago). All in all it was a great day!!! Lets hope this is a wonderful school year for them both. Here is a little montage of the morning and a few more photos.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I can't believe how organized you are! The day's not even over and you have it up on your blog, complete with photos and video montage... I haven't even finished my vacation shots on my blog!

Oh my blogenvy...