Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Kaitlyn's Update

I just thought I'd share a few recent photos of Kaitlyn...She's growing into a little young lady these days! It is amazing to see her transform from a "baby girl" to a "little girl" now. She is a little CHARACTER, that's for sure! She can be such a little fun goofball. We all get laughing when she does silly things and she LOVES to perform and make us laugh with her funny costumes, dances or songs. Right now she is into wearing funny hats, glasses and LONG dresses. She has had her own word for Disney Princesses for about 1 year now and they are called "Bennies"...WHO KNOWS how she got that word, but she is such a goof that even now that she can SAY princess...she still says "Benny" for princess and when she dresses up with jewels or a gown she calls herself a "Benny". So lately her nickname has been "Benny!" It is so great to see her little personality blossom and all of us are having so much fun with her lately.

We've made some recent progress on the potty training end of things. She really can do it, but it is a matter of ME putting my mind to being consistent. I had SUCH an easier time with Erik than with Krista by simply waiting it out. With Krista she wasn't even 2 yet and she was day-trained (it took over a YEAR before she ws night trained though and with occaisional daytime accidents). With Erik I waited until he was almost 3 and we did it in a WEEKEND!!! It was the easiest thing I've ever done. He was day AND night trained in that one weekend and with NO accidents thereafter. I remember accidents with Krista from 22 months until 36 months and that is a LONG amount of time to deal with messes and laundry. Sure I could 'say' she was trained before she was 2, but it came at a high cost to me---a lot of cleaning up jobs and a lot of nighttime diapers!! With Kaitlyn she pushed for the potty herself (at 2 years 3 months). I am not sure if I will wait a bit with the full fledged training program or try now. I'm honestly thinking she will do a much quicker job of learning for good if we wait. We'll see!!! So for now, here are a few photos of the little beauty on the swing in the backyard. PEOPLE, she CAN swing all by herself. She pumps her little legs and gets that swing going! It is so funny to see a little 2 year old swing! She loves the motion and has seen Krista and Erik do it all summer so I guess she is ready! BYE BYE baby swing :)

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