Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Doctors Appt. and recent pics

Today I had my ultrasound appointment and everything looked great for me and the little guy! The report is over on my pregnancy blog.

Here are a few photos from this past week of the kids...The last photo is of Erik with his first ever 'Ratus' book. It is the series that they are using for their textbook at school and they also have short story books for sale. This year there is a system of tickets that the teacher uses for the children in the class. When they do excellent work they receive a ticket. Once they have 10 tickets they "win" a small picture card to collect. After TEN picture cards they get a book from the teacher. Erik is leading the class in picture cards!! He already has 2 cards (20 tickets) plus 2 extra tickets. I'm so proud of him! He is doing SOOOOOO well in school and is off to an excellent start. I never thought he could rival Krista's success in school but it looks like Krista has some competition on her hands. He told me the teacher commented that he is "just like his sister" on several occasions! The last picture is of Erik looking very proud with his 1st Ratus book that I bought him for winning his first picture card.

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