Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Erik lost another tooth!

No major news here...just checking in with a tooth update. Erik lost his 5th tooth!!! I CAN NOT belive this is happening so quickly. He is at least a YEAR ahead of where Krista was at his age. Believe it or not...Krista who is NINE years old has only lost 8 teeth...while Erik has already lost 5! He looks ADORABLE with his ONE tooth at the bottom in the middle. It is too funny! This gap-toothedness won't last too long because his upper incisor and bottom incisor are already on their way out...but for now it makes for a funny photo! Also a picture of Kaitlyn just for fun. She's really such a big girl these days....talking up a storm!! She LOVES coloring and doing puzzles. She can draw circles and lines and knows the names of most colors (although confuses them most of the time). She can sing her A,B,C's although reapeats a lot of letters and mostly just knows the tune of the A,B,C song..it is very cute. Can't belive she is creeping up on 2 1/2 at the end of this month! So that is the brief update of the day....

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