Monday, October 20, 2008

Krista Qualified for the Federal level in GRS!


Krista QUALIFIED yesterday for entrance into the French FEDERAL level of Rhythmic Gymnastics!!! It was a LONG day. We left the house at 7:45 a.m. and didn't return here until 2 in the afternoon! I am so proud of Krista! She has worked so very hard this year...with practices 4 days a week for over 2 hours a day (over 8 hours a week). What is so amazing to me is that she was selected by her club to go one year early to this competition (it is a 10 year old age-group and she is only 9). There were four girls selected from Krista's club to participate. Three of the girls were 9 years old and one was 10 years old. Of the 4 only two qualified for the Federal Level and Krista had the most points of all four girls! Overall for the day she placed 5th-- with places 1-4 going to ten-year-old girls from other clubs who are training at a very special school (CREPS) for 16 hours a week. The great news is that since Krista passed into this category as a 9-year-old, not only will she be able to participate in the Federal Competions this year... she will be able to STAY in this same level next year when she will actually be 10!! I'm really proud of her. This is the clip of her routine and a few amazing photos taken by the photographer on the mat. I LOVE the one of her in mid-air! Look how high she is off the mat!!!!!! My photos ALWAYS end up blurry as I am too far in the bleachers for a clear shot. If only I had a $3,000 camera like they do... I'm going to to a slideshow soon of the photos that I took before, during and after the competition. Enjoy the show!!!



1 comment:

4 in 4 said...

Wow! Congratulations, Krista. That is so awesome. Kelly, you must be so proud! I cannot imagine. Way to go! Keep up the awesome performances.