Monday, October 06, 2008

Krista's Pre-Competition GRS

Krista had a pre-competition at her Gym last week to practice her routine for the upcoming individual competition. This year she will be competing in a very high level and is currently working on a routine that is two levels above her age. It is amazing to see the things she has learned in the last month!!! She only started on this routine at the beginning of September and will be competiting on the 19th of October. She still needs to master a few elements but she did a great job! It will be a tough year, but hopefully this will help her in the long run. Here she is with her routine.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Allez Krista!

That was great!!! While there are some moves that need work, it's obvious she's capable of doing them with a little more practice. She's very graceful and she's doing some very difficult stuff.

You must be very proud! I can't wait to show it to Talia.

Fellow GRS mom