Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Evan is 6 Months Old!

Oh my, where have these last 6 months gone? I must say that this age is my absolute FAVORITE age though, so I'm trying to relish every second!

Evan is my dream boy. He is such a loveable, snuggly little guy! He was an absolute DREAM sleeper too up until this 5th month, but I'm sure things will get back on track again soon *I HOPE!! Last month was difficult with Evan getting 2 teeth and as a result he has turned into a terrible sleeper these last few weeks! I think on most nights he wakes up to nurse every 3 hours. Uugh. That has been hard on me, but I'm managing. Last night was great though (a nearly 7 hour stretch)...We haven't had that in a long time, so maybe we are turning the corner! There's hope!

Development: Evan is doing all of the 6th month things that he should be doing.. He can sit unsupported on a solid surface like a rug for as long as he wants to! That is.... until he decides to try and grab a toy and falls forwards. Evan can play on his stomach and lift his chest off the floor. He will work to get a toy out of reach and can even scoot backwards a bit when on his tummy. He can roll from stomach to back, but not yet back to stomach. He does not enjoy being on his stomach so he works to get off of his tummy, not onto it! He can pass a toy from hand to hand and puts EVERYTHING in his mouth!

Weight and Feeding: Evan weighs 9 kg! A HUGE guy. I am proud to say that this size has been obtained exclusively on my breastmilk alone! :) He is off the charts, but not by far. I suspect he will fall back very soon as he moves a bit more and lengthens. He hasn't yet started solids but TODAY I think we'll take the plunge. He looks at us with such enthusiasim as we eat! I will either give him carrots or apples today. I can't wait to see his reaction! :) Evan nurses about 6 or more times a day. He really only has 3 or 4 big meals where he really drinks for 20 minutes or so..and the other feedings are just short 5-10 minute snacks. He is a bit difficult right now at nursing when there are distractions in the room, so I need to feed him in a dark, quiet chair or he won't concentrate.
Appearance: Evan has 2 teeth (1st on June 10th and 2nd on June 19th). He looks older than his actual age with those teeth now! He only has a small bit of hair- blonde/ light strawberry. He lost almost all of his newborn hair and it has been slowly growing back much lighter.

Sleep: Evan was a DREAM sleeper until this month. He ended up getting a stuffy nose 2x this month and that really threw off his sleep. That coupled with his 2 teeth and the nights were doomed! Last night he slept well though so perhaps we've rounded the corner. I remember that the other kids also had a rough sleep patch around this age as well!

Talking and Verbal Expression: Evan loves to sing in a high-pitched voice. He also sticks out his tongue and makes a razzing noise. He loves to laugh and he has the cutest belly laugh!

We are so blessed with this sweet son of ours! I can't wait for our trip to see the grandparents later this summer!! They'll just adore him. We'll also have Evan baptised very shortly as well! I'm really looking forward to that!!

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