Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Krista's First Communion

Here are some of the promised photos from Krista's First Communion. It was a GORGEOUS day...the weather was wonderful, the kids were well behaved and we won first row seats in the Church for the service (lottery style seating)! Can't ask for more than that :) It was surely a day to remember. The service was very lovely. Krista looked beautiful in her dress and the children sang heartwarming songs and all marched proudly up to receive their First Holy Communion. They have been busy preparing for this day for 2 years!! They've attended classes every other week for the last few years, so it makes the day all that much more meaningful for them. I'll upload a shot of the bread itself. DEFINATELY an advantage to having your First Communion in France! LOOK at that bread!!

We took plenty of photos of the big day and also some family portraits outside the church after the service which I'll post (later) as well. It was also Father's Day so we had a nice gift opening ceremony afterwards, and later in the evening went out to dinner to celebrate both Krista and Toomas' big day. Krista received a white gold cross and a mass book with rosary. I might post some more shots a bit later. I got some cute ones after the service of Krista and Kaitlyn and also the whole family together!! :)

1 comment:

4 in 4 said...

Krista look beautiful. I love the grown, something she can keep and treaure forever. What a special day!