Sunday, February 28, 2010

Front Page Explore...REALLY?

My photo made it to FRONT PAGE Flickr Explore today! To be an Explore is already such an achievement for me, but now FRONT PAGE. Wow, I can't believe this....There are nearly 7,000 uploads onto Flickr each MINUTE. To get an Explore means you are in the top 500 photos of the entire day...This made it to #38 (my record is #7) but THIS photo made it to the FRONT page. I couldn't believe all of the contact requests I had after this went to the Front Page. I'm just so thrilled! This was my first shot at "studio" lighting too. A small feat :)

1 comment:

4 in 4 said...

So precious! Congratulations! That is awesome, Kelly. I love seeing your photos every day.