Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Three Little Bears

So..the bear on the right has quickly become the love of the middle bear's life. He won't let go of him. He searches for him in his crib and squeals in delight when he sees him during the day. That bear was my older son's "lovie" for about 2 years until he was ditched for a tiger named "Stripey". The bear on the left is my eldest's. He has a lavendar pouch in his tummy that goes in the mircowave. It smells so good and gives warm hugs afterwards. I got a better pose of him up higher--I'll post later. The little fuzzy hat was from H&M's fall collection last year. Oh and a word about the camera settings. This was the FIRST time I took a shot with "studio" light. One large softbox from camera right. The softbox arrived this week but still waiting on the triggers to go wireless. It was also one of the first times I shot outside of Manual. I used Av..I wasn't pleased with the lack of control though and switched back to manual later in the shoot. It ended up giving me a 1/8 shutter speed. I hate not having full control!!!!!! I was floored to see the 1/8 shutter. LUCKY he was sleeping (for blurring sake), but I think generally when flash is used shutters are maximized so you can safely go very low with no blur. No tripod either. I'm a natural light girl, so this is all foreign terretory to me. I would really love to master studio lighting though---so much to learn. I think I'll always prefer natural, but I was pretty happy with how natural this turned out using partial natural light (facing him) and one softbox to camera right.

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